Story Time Thursday (Saturday)
Hey kids! I finally got the video done and uploaded! Enjoy the book, “Is God Still Awake?” by Sheila Walsh! Next Thursday’s Book:
Hey kids! I finally got the video done and uploaded! Enjoy the book, “Is God Still Awake?” by Sheila Walsh! Next Thursday’s Book:
I have been led the last few months to watch old Katherine Kuhlman healing services. She was well before my time, but she was definitely a powerful woman of God.
I have held onto these dreams, because I wanted to wait until I knew for sure God wanted me to release them. These dreams are in regards to our nation
Michael has never been made to feel like he fit in. He’s always been considered the black sheep. He had a prophetic dream where a part of it was the
I forgot to add the link for next Thursday’s (03/16/23) book! Here it is: Is God Still Awake by Sheila Walsh & Aleksandra Szmidt | Mardel | 3930757
This was our first trip to Coker Creek, TN back in 2020 ❤️ Prophesying and decreeing that we will have a Campground for kids and a church there one day!!
Yay, our first story time video!! Parents and Grandparents get your kids to watch me read a book to them!! We are also learning the Lord’s Prayer! Unfortunately, Tristan didn’t
Here is the link for the book we will be reading, Hello, Little Dreamer by Kathie Lee Gifford: Hello, Little Dreamer: 9781400209262: Gifford, Kathie Lee, Schmidt, Anita: Books