Why an LLC?
This is why our ministry is an LLC and not a 501c3!! God should be allowed in government but not government in the Church!! We are a Nation Under God
This is why our ministry is an LLC and not a 501c3!! God should be allowed in government but not government in the Church!! We are a Nation Under God
Michael talks about some of his memories of his mom, and the impact she has had on not just him but also his friends.
Jesus is coming. It’s time to love others and get right with God.
Since the start God has led me to the Hebrew calendar and His significant seasons. There is a direct correlation to what we are experiencing now during His Passover season.
Hey kids!! We’re getting close to Easter!! Today I am reading Snuggle Time Easter Stories by Glenys Nellist. This is about Jesus and the true meaning of Easter! Here is
Michael talks a little more about his dreams. One being of parrots that are tied up. In dreams parrots are considered mockers, because in reality they mimic what people say.
Happy Thursday kids!! Have fun watching Tristan play with my hair as I’m trying to read our book!! Our book today is My Big Book of Bible Stories: The Creation
Pray for Israel 🇮🇱!! We are currently in a spiritual war right now, good against evil, whether you notice it or not. The enemy is going all out right now