We are reading The Pharisee and the Tax Collector from My Big Book of Bible Stories by Phil A. Smouse.

Book for this week and next week: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FMy-Big-Book-Bible-Stories%2Fdp%2F1641235489%2Fref%3Dsr_1_7%3Fadgrpid%3D1339205724598984%26hvadid%3D83700428622655%26hvbmt%3Dbe%26hvdev%3Dc%26hvlocphy%3D82195%26hvnetw%3Do%26hvqmt%3De%26hvtargid%3Dkwd-83700695681251%253Aloc-190%26hydadcr%3D16849_10477702%26keywords%3Dthe%2520big%2520book%2520of%2520bible%2520stories%26qid%3D1688668671%26sr%3D8-

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Live: Breaking Bread

Helpful Links: Website: campbellrevival.com Salvation Prayer: campbellrevival.com/salvation-prayer/ Donate: campbellrevival.com/give/ Online Store: campbellrevival.com/shop/ DISCLAIMER: We do not own the rights to some of the songs being played. This is for entertainment

Story Time Thursday (Saturday)

Hey kids! I finally got the video done and uploaded! Enjoy the book, “Is God Still Awake?” by Sheila Walsh! Next Thursday’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/My-Big-Book-Bible-Stories/dp/1641235489

“Give” Link

I just realized there was an issue with our payment link through Square. It wasn’t asking for CC info, so no donations were being processed. I have temporarily fixed the