Children’s Prayers

We will be saying a prayer before every story time on Thursdays. As we do them, I will post them on this page. This way you or your child can print them out in order to read along.

The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Matthew 6:9-13

Morning Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are good and wise; I will praise you when I rise. Jesus, hear this prayer I send; Bless my family and friends. Jesus, help my eyes to see all the good you send to me. Jesus, help my ears to hear calls for help from far and near. Jesus, help my feet to go in the way that You will show. Jesus, help my hands to do all the things loving, kind, and true. Jesus, guard me through this day in all I do and all I say. Amen.

Bedtime Prayer: by Jill Eisenaugle

Now, I lay me down to rest
I thank the Lord; my life is blessed
I have my family and my home
And freedom, should I choose to roam.

My days are filled with skies of blue
My nights are filled with sweet dreams, too
I’ve no reason to beg or plead
I have been given all I need.

Beneath the subtle moonlit glow
I thank the Lord, so He will know
How grateful I am for my life
In times of glory and of strife.

The times of glory give me hope
The times of strife teach me to cope
Thus, I am much stronger in turn
Yet grounded, still, with much to learn.

Now, I lay me down to rest
I thank the Lord; I’ve passed the test
Of yet another day on earth
Grateful for its abundant worth.

This day has been a special dream
From morning ‘til the last moonbeam
Yet, should the coming dawn bring sorrow
I’ll rise, thankful I’ve reached tomorrow. -Amen.

Prayer Over Your Food:

God is great and God is good,

We thank Him for this food.

By His hand we are fed,

Give us Lord our daily bread.

I praise you Heavenly Father,

For every earthly good,

For life, health, and clothing,

And for my daily food.


The Priestly Blessing:

May the Lord bless us and protect us. 

May the Lord smile on us and be gracious to us. 

May the Lord show us His favor and give us His peace. 

I pray in the name of Jesus, amen. 

Numbers 6:22-27