I started a Facebook page that is for people who enjoy camping whether full time or seasonal!! This page is for campers to come together to help each other out and are encouraged to share their revelations while out camping! This group is here to encourage each other in our faith. This page is also to help other ministries to come together and share any special revival camp meetings. There is a need and want for church meetings in and around campgrounds!! Our ministry is leading this effort and will be planning revival meetings as well!! There are campers all over this country and internationally that are away from their home churches and still want to have church/bible studies near where they are camping. MINISTRIES-keep in mind there are children too, so please include activities for them! Also, keep in mind that we are campers…don’t expect everyone to dress nice…we like to wear shorts and flip flops… Let’s have a fun page for campers to come to enjoy and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ!!
Our “Campers for Jesus” members have referred several family friendly campgrounds!! I have created a list and placed it on our website. Click here if you would like to view the list.
We also have a list of ministries that would like to team up with local campgrounds to do worship services, sermons, and Bible studies. If you own a campground and would like to see if there’s a ministry near you, please click here.
To view our list of Revival Camp Meetings, please click below!!