I have held onto these dreams, because I wanted to wait until I knew for sure God wanted me to release them. These dreams are in regards to our nation and other things that the Holy Spirit has given me since November/December 2020. Please take anything that I say to the Lord yourself for confirmation. Thank you!
Prophetic Dreams Regarding Our Nation
March 15, 2023
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Saturday Night Live Broadcast: 3 in 1
Helpful Links: Website: campbellrevival.com Salvation Prayer: campbellrevival.com/salvation-prayer/ Donate: campbellrevival.com/give/ Online Store: campbellrevival.com/shop/ DISCLAIMER: We do not own the rights to some of the songs being played. This is for entertainment
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff (Separation), Critical Thinking, & Discernment!!
Motivation for those that are called by God that are currently going through separation. I am also discussing how we need to regain our critical thinking and pair it with
Our First Story Time Thursday!
Yay, our first story time video!! Parents and Grandparents get your kids to watch me read a book to them!! We are also learning the Lord’s Prayer! Unfortunately, Tristan didn’t